Kimberly Sue Yap Chiu, also known as 'Kim Chui' is a Filipina-Chinese actress, singer, recording artist, and television host that recently got involved in a car shooting incident. After claiming that her van eas targeted for an ambush without exact and even plausible reason, saying that Kim did not even have an enemy to begin with, her security tightened and many have kept a close eyes on the actress to keep her safe.
Recently, Kim Chui posted a heartfelt photo on Instagram. Apparently, a brand of bihon Kim Chui was working with for some time now donated 2,000 pieces of bihon packs and it delighted the actress, knowing that this would be a great help for the less fortunate that is suffering from hunger amid the crisis.
On her post, the actress wrote, "A big shout out to [Super Bihon] family thank you for sending 2000 bags full of noodles!
"May God bless your generosity!" The actress added.
Kim Chui once again thanked the brand in visayan language. As you all may know, Kim Chui grew up in Cebu City where she started her dreams of being an actress until she auditioned in PBB and became the grand winner.
"Salamat jud kaayo sa inyong gi hatag, daghan kaayo tag natagaan ganina!🙏🏻 thank you for your help!" Kim continued.
But despite of the cheerful comments celebrating the donations, some netizens have noticed that the actress was not wearing any mask when she was clearly out of her home.
Addressing this on the comment section, Kim Chui cleared that she was still indeed inside her house and that there is nothing to worry about.
Some netizen even emphasized that the staffs who helped her bring the noodles down from the truck did not wear any protective gear either.
Many fans wished Kim to be more careful and to make sure to take care of herself so she would not get her life in danger again for the second time.
Did Kim response on the issue spreaded like fire below her post' comment section? Apparently, the actress did not response on any of those anymore but posted another photo where she said she donated 2,000 pieces of masks to the frontliners.