Aside from the health care workers who are constantly risking their lives to assure the people’s safety and save lives, militaries and policemen are one of our front liners too, maintaining the order and peace on communities to make sure none of the people will disobey against Enhanced Community Quarantine.
The high risk of danger they face are equally deadly just like our medical people, too.
And sadly, many of the confirmed cases of COVID-19 came from the police.
Just recently, additional 2 police tested positive from the virus, the Philippine National Police (PNP) confirmed on Wednesday, March 25.
According to PNP, one of the patients is a 32-year-old cop serving in Metro Manila while the other is a 52-year-old assigned in Laguna.
“Both patients are now under home isolation and are being closely monitored by PNP doctors,” PNP stated.
Meanwhile, two other policemen also contracted the virus. A cop from Manila Police District and another from PNP Chaplain Service.
Meanwhile, PNP is now stricter in monitoring the police especially those who are assigned in Metro Manila.
The confirmed that they added 61 personnel that are now persons under investigation (PUIs) for possible COVID-19 infection and 701 others are under monitoring (PUMs).
PNP Spokesperson Police Brigadier General Bernard Banac said, “We are instituting strict measures to prevent its spread among our back end and front line personnel, such as provision of minimum personal protective equipment for all frontline personnel; continuous contact tracing and self-quarantine; stringent social distancing,”
The police are now tracing the close contacts of their positive patients for monitoring while the disinfection is still yet to follow.
What are your thoughts about this story? Share us your thoughts in the comment section below! And do not forget to wash your hands and keep yourself safe and sanitized!
SOURCE: gmanetwork