April 05, 2020

Ayudang 5k-8k ng DSWD, alam mo na kung papaano kunin?

The newly approved Bayanihan Law under President Duterte's grant of emergency and extra power have made its first move by giving out financial assistance to the less fortunate and affected families from Enhanced Community Quarantine (ECQ) amid COVID-19 outbreak. This will be executed under the Department of Social and Welfare Development. (DSWD.)

This final assistance will be given to the eligible families and they will be receiving a minimum of 5 thousand up to 8 thousand pesos depending on the region's minimum wage level. That would be the agency's basis on the amount needed to buy food, medical assistance and other essential needs.


1. Families most affected by enhanced community quarantine based on government review and have at least 1 member:
 - Senior Citizen
- Pregnant or Mother breastfeeding
 - Persons with Disability (PWD)
- Solo Parent
 - Indigent Indigenous Peoples
 - OFWs who lost their jobs or had problems with work due to COVID-19

 2. Homeless

3. Adaptive drivers

4. 'No work, no pay' employees

5. Maids

6. Small traders such as owners of multifamily properties with less than P100,000 worth of land

7. Families with small businesses of their own such as a cafe, orchard, or plot

8. Minimum wage earners

9. Farmers and fishermen

10. Workers stranded because of quarantine


According to Guro Ako website, here are the following procedures on how to appeal for the social amelioration program:

"Step 1: The local government unit (LGU) will distribute Social Amelioration Card (SAC) forms on a house to house basis. The SAC forms serve as monitoring and validation tools to help the government identify the families that need urgent financial assistance.

Step 2: All the necessary information on the SAC form will be filled up by the head of the family in big letters.

Step 3: Submit one of the forms to the LGU official when they return for collection. Make sure that the form is filled up and complete. Keep the other form (duplicate) for reference and monitoring.

Step 4: The DSWD and other government agencies will send the aid to the LGU for distribution to beneficiaries."

What can you say about this story? Share us your thoughts in the comment section below! Also you may spread this information for the people you know who might need these details for their application.