Can you still remember the whole Baron Geisler and Peng Medina issue way back 2016? It was when almost everyone turned their back on Baron and assumed he is losing his mind based on his prior antics (always causing a scene in the bar, drinking all the time and constantly getting involved in fights and controversies.)
In short, that time when the news reported Baron Geisler peed on Ping Medina while they were on taping for a show, it was easy for people to dismiss it and conclude that it was just one of Baron's trippings, as always.
4 years later, it seems like a twist of a story came up and suddenly, Baron's action before seemed to be a little bit sensible than it was the first time it was aired on TV.
Twitter, being the app of fresh teas and underground news suddenly spilled a new information about Ping Medina's alleged abuse on some girls in social media.
A user revealed that Ping has always been and is still creepy towards girls (especially those who likes to party around Katipunan.)
The user went on and said that Ping preys on younger ladies, ages 18-20s and tricks them to come and meet the actor. There were also instances that he would ask them to send malicious pictures or ask them to go over his house.
Once his "victim" dares to deny, the user claimed that Ping would send a photo of his bare private part to "guilt trip" them.
The thread got more controversial when unexpectedly, Baron Geisler intervened and commented his forgotten side of his own controversy.
Baron then retweeted that thread to claim that the accusations were true and Ping, together with his friends allegedly sexually abuse his ex girlfriend before, the main reason why he peed on the actor.
Do you believe Baron's statement after hearing the newly spilled issue from Twitter? May it be true or not, the netizens are now getting mad at Ping because of this and is waiting for his statement. What can you say about this story? Share us your thoughts in the comment section below and let us have some discussion!
SOURCE: mostrendingph